Monthly Archives: June 2017

Why Fitness Fails

We all know a story of someone who lost a lot of weight using some kind of short-term diet or exercise. It worked for them, so maybe you tried it, and maybe it worked…or didn’t. And even if it DID work at first, it probably didn’t last.

I am SO OVER the schemes:  detoxes, cleanses, low carb, high carb, high fat, low fat, no fat, diet pills, waist trainers, body wraps, infomercial products, not there for it. The American “diet” industry brings in over $65 billion each year. The commercial fitness equipment market only approaches one billion, but is projected to grow to about 13 billion annually by 2022. That’s a lot of toys that claim to change your body in “just thirty minutes a week!”

Most of that commercialization is about motivating you to spend money buying the promise of a better body. You’re sold a method instead of a system, and almost any new method is going to produce a short term result. But by nature, that result cannot be sustained. That’s why over 95% of people who lose weight regain it within a year. That often feels like a personal failure, and then it’s onto the next method. Those disheartening results tell us something, and it’s NOT that we are failures: there has to be a better way!

Method = Short Term Quick Fix

Method = Money Pit

Method = An Endless Loop of Failure By Design

Using methods can look like this: buying new, fancy exercise equipment. Under-eating calories every day. Joining a gym. Going on a low-carb diet. Methods only work if you never stop using them. Some people can do one specific thing their whole life, like count calories, and be successful but…spoiler alert, I am not one of them! I need a holistic system to make it all work, and I’m willing to bet you do too.

Truthfully, the quick fix does not exist.

It’s not that methods can’t ever work…they can!  But the reality I’ve observed for every one of my clients is that there HAS to be a framework in which methods operate, in order to create lasting change. Just as you can’t expect to achieve maximal results by doing exactly the same exercises, sets, and reps over and over, you need to address more than just muscles when you’re changing your body and your health.

System = Long Term Solution

System = Real Return on Investment

System = An Ongoing Path to Sustainable Positive Results

A great fitness system is one that takes you and all aspects of YOUR health and life into account. You realize measurable, sustainable results within hours, days and weeks, and if you work consistently within your own personalized plan, you get results that never quit. Your dedication + the right support at the right time = forever success.

The quick fix does not exist. If you want to be confidently fit forever, develop and embrace your own system! I use a holistic approach, finely developed over many years, that can help you realize your highest level of well-being. Your system, because fitness is personal, and defining it for yourself makes success sustainable.

Dedication to a well-rounded program created specifically for you will achieve amazing results. Respect where you are now, embrace positive change, and forever upgrade your life.

Learn more about coaching and reach out with fitness questions here.