Take the Negative Stress Out of Positive Change

A small dose of discipline can evolve into a lasting, life changing habit.

When we consider results-oriented change, discipline and habit ultimately combine to form the foundation for our achievements. Discipline is the act of regularly working at something until it efficiently works for you as a habit. You can habitually invest money and watch it grow. You can invest the right amounts of healthy food into your body and feel yourself become more energized. You can move your body in optimal ways and become stronger.

When you call on discipline, you’re training yourself to complete a specific behavior. If you stay with it long enough, it becomes a habit. In this way, we really do have the power to create healthy change that sticks, and that power is always within, waiting to be activated.

It’s true, and the idea sounds great. The consistency of effort required to take our bodies, minds and lives to the next level is more challenging to embody. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you’re far from where you want to be, and we’ve all been there.

But I promise you this: the hardest part is getting started and then doing, doing, doing even when you don’t feel like it, countless times. That’s consistency. It’s remembering your motivation and intentionally connecting with it over and over again.  Practice over and over, and eventually you’ll master discipline: not just for your workouts, or your nutrition, or whatever it is that you want to add to your life to level up your health and abilities. You can positively impact your own well being, that of those in your near circles, and of your whole network just by working on it, creating a snowball of productivity, confidence and positivity in your world.

Here’s the basic framework:

Step one: start with why.

Step two: focus on one small impactful behavior at a time.

Step three: practice what you chose in step 2 consistently until it becomes programmed into your life. Revise method as needed.

Step four: evaluate, revise and repeat.

There are so many tools that can help you: YOU, as an individual, will have different support needs than the next person, and different strategies will work for you or not.

I’m here for questions, to listen and to support with how-to-do-it strategies, just an email away.

Wishing you renewed health and happiness during sun season!

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