Many habit changes fail. Why?

Because it’s easy to bypass the most important, ONLY thing you need to know without a doubt, in order to be successful.

There’s a key to getting motivated and staying motivated enough to continually take action and make progress.

It’s this:


What is your why?  WHY do you need to change and want to change your health for the better?  What’s your reason, right now?

  • Staying healthy.
  • Feeling good.
  • Looking good.
  • Looking good naked.
  • Getting married.
  • Starting a family.
  • Being able to keep up with children and grandchildren.
  • Losing weight.
  • Keeping weight off.
  • Healing disease, or
  • Preventing disease altogether.
  • What’s your reason?

Find it and hold on to it.

Write it down, type it into your phone, look at it every day on your mirror, set it to pop up on your calendar. Imprint it into your mind and tell people about it if that helps you find the support you need.

Whatever it is for you, keeping your why in the forefront of your mind and heart will lead to your success.

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